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McCardle Named U.S. Presidential Scholars Semifinalist

John Marshall High School senior Ben McCardle
John Marshall High School senior Ben McCardle

John Marshall High School senior Ben McCardle is one of the 620 students who has qualified as a semifinalist of the prestigious United States Presidential Scholars Program.

The next step is for the Commission of Presidential Scholars to review the applications of all semifinalists based on the same criteria used by the review committee which includes academic achievement, personal characteristics, leadership, service, extracurricular activities and essay content.

The Commission will select up to 161 U.S. Presidential Scholars for 2021 and those students’ names will be announced by the U.S. Secretary of Education in May. In honoring the U.S. Presidential Scholars, the President of the United States symbolically honors all graduating high school seniors of high potential. The Presidential Scholars Class of 2022 will be recognized for their outstanding achievement in late June with an online National Recognition Program.