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December 2022 K of C Students of the Month

Pictured from left: JM Assistant Principal Geno Polsinelli, Liam Marlin, Jackson Helms and K of C Council 1907 Grand Knight Lou Richmond.
Pictured from left: JM Assistant Principal Geno Polsinelli, Liam Marlin, Jackson Helms and K of C Council 1907 Grand Knight Lou Richmond.

The Knights of Columbus John Marshall Students of the Month for December are Johnny Mercer, Jackson Helms and Liam Marlin. Grand Knight Lou Richmond of the Knights of Columbus gave these students their awards. Johnny Mercer wasn’t available during the presentation.

Jackson Helms’ interests include basketball, hanging out with his friends and family, football and playing golf. His extracurricular activities include basketball and football. Jackson says the accomplishments he is most proud of include making the basketball team and football team this year.

Liam Marlin’s interests include marching band and Boy Scouts. His extracurricular activity includes marching band. Liam says the accomplishment he is most proud of is earning student of the month and going to states for band in 8th grade.

John Marshall High School Freshman Principal Geno Polsinelli said, “With Christmas in the air, these students are very giving of themselves, not only 100% in the classroom but in everyday life.” Assistant principal Polsinelli also said these students are particularly good citizens and that speaks on their great family and great background and support system.

Photograph and Article written by Angie Haught, Sophomore WJMH Broadcasting Student