September 2023 K of C JM Students of the Month
The Knights of Columbus John Marshall High School Senior Students of the Month for September are Connor Dorsey and Amelia Kaste. Grand Knight Lou Richmond, of the Knights of Columbus, gave the students their awards.
Dorsey’s interests inside of school include being a member of the John Marshall Orchestra. His extracurricular activities include playing golf and lacrosse, fishing, volunteering wherever he can and managing his own landscaping business. Some accomplishments Dorsey is proud of include being successful throughout his entire school career and being a member of the National Honor Society.
Kaste’s interests inside of school include writing and history class. Her extracurricular activities include reading, singing, working and Monarch Company. Some accomplishments that Kaste is proud of include winning “Best Delegate” for Model U.N. for representing Italy and being given this award after being awarded student of the month her freshman year.
John Marshall High School Assistant Principal Kallie Kastrevec says that she had both Dorsey and Kaste as her students their freshman year and they were “exemplary” students. Since then they have been in higher level classes and excelled in those classes such as dual credit or AP, and they are both active outside of the classroom with jobs. Kastrevec states these students were very deserving of this award.
Article written by Angie Haught, Junior WJMH Broadcasting Student