Rules for Choosing West Virginia Delegates
The accompanying brochure lists the qualifications for applicants. Sections will be based on outstanding academic ability and demonstrated qualities of leadership. The West Virginia delegates will be chosen by the following rules:
- Regardless of race, creed, color, sex or financial need, students are eligible to be candidates for the U.S. Senate Youth Program provided they:
- have not previously been a delegate to the program
- are currently serving in an elected or selected capacity in any one of the following student government, civic or education organizations.
- Student body or class president, vice president, secretary or treasurer
- Student council representative
- Student representative elected or selected (selected by a panel, commission or board) to district, regional or state-level civic or educational organization
- are permanent residents of the United States, and at least one of their parents or guardians is a legal resident of West Virginia
- are currently enrolled as a junior or senior in a publi or /private school in West Virginia.
- Students take a test prepared by the William Randolph Heart Foundation the week of September 9, 2013.
- Schools submit the answer sheets and essays immediately. All tests must be in the WVDE Office of Secondary Learning on or before September 20, 2013.
- Semi-finalists are selected based on the highest test scores.
- Six finalists are selected from the semi-finalist pool, based upon evaluation of essay scores, academic records, school activities and evidence of leadership.
- Each finalist makes a formal presentation and is interviewed by a committee. The committee is composed of six professionals and/or community people who will make the final selection. The names of the two delegates and two alternates are announced by the Randolph Hearst Foundation in December.
- In Identifying your school candidates to take the test, you may want to consider:
- Leadership ability.
- High scholastic standing. Demonstrated ability to achieve.
- Ability to read, write, speak and think. (Clear speech and logical though processes are important in question and answer sessions with distinguished speakers during finalist interviews in Charleston and Washington week.)
- Community involvement. Participation in a wide spectrum of activities on and off campus.